Film (2008)
IMDb Logo 2.7/10

Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert

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  • Miley Cyrus - Self
  • Nick Jonas - Self
  • Joe Jonas - Self
  • Kevin Jonas - Self
  • Billy Ray Cyrus - Self
  • Stacy Jones - MD / Drums - Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Band
  • Jamie Arentzen - Guitars - Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Band
  • Jaco Caraco - Guitars - Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Band
  • Vashon Johnson - Bass - Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Band
  • Mike Schmid - Keyboard - Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Band
  • producer - Arthur F. Repola
  • executive-producer - Vince Pace
  • executive-producer - Douglas C. Merrifield
  • director - Bruce Hendricks

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