Serie (seit 2024)
IMDb Logo 7.8/10

LOL: Last One Laughing Indonesia

LOL: Last One Laughing Indonesia streamen

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Last One Laughing Indonesia is a fresh and different comedy show. For six hours, ten top Indonesian comedians gather in one room to make other comedians laugh, while also having to hold back their laughter so as not to leave the game. The last one laughing wins the trophy, 300 million rupiah, and the title of Ultimate Lord of the Comedy Galaxy.

Poster: LOL: Last One Laughing Indonesia


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Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video




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Apple TV+

Apple TV+

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Alle verfügbaren Staffeln bei

  • Pandji Pragiwaksono - Self
  • Indra Jegel - Self
  • Dicky Difie - Self
  • Asri Welas - Self
  • Rina Nose - Self
  • Andre Taulany - Self
  • Marshel Widianto - Self
  • Ivan Gunawan - Self
  • Denny Cagur - Self
  • Cak Lontong - Self

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