The Silent Service streamen
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The Silent Service ist derzeit nicht bei Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Apple TV+ oder Disney+ als Stream verfügbar.
An MSDF submarine collides with a U.S. nuclear submarine, crushing all 76 people on board, including its CO, Shiro Kaieda. However, the crew survives. The accident is a cover story to get the MSDF submarine’s crew on board the Seabat, a nuclear submarine secretly built by the Japanese and U.S. governments. However, Kaieda loads the Seabat with nuclear missiles and suddenly mutinies and flees.
- Takao Osawa - Shiro Kaieda
- 玉木宏 - Fukamachi Hiroshi
- Aya Ueto - Ichiya Hiromi
- 中山裕介 - Nanba Eiichi
- 中村倫也 - Irie Soshi
- 中村蒼 - Yamanaka Eiji
- Koudai Matsuoka - Irie Satoshi
- 前原滉 - Mizoguchi Takuo
- 水川あさみ - Hayami Takako
- Tao Okamoto - Funao Ryoko
- creator - かわぐちかいじ