Serie (seit 2025)
IMDb Logo 3.1/10

The Tinellis

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Marcelo Tinelli opens the doors of his mansion in Punta del Este to welcome his family and friends. He takes the opportunity to introduce them to his girlfriend, Milett, 30 years younger than him. However, the reaction of his daughters is not as expected, and it causes an emotional imbalance in the group a few months before a transcendental event: the wedding of Cande, Marcelo's second daughter.

Poster: The Tinellis

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Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video




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Apple TV+

Apple TV+

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Alle verfügbaren Staffeln bei

  • Marcelo Tinelli - Self
  • Candelaria Tinelli - Self
  • Micaela Tinelli - Self
  • director - Augusto Tejada
  • director - Juanma Martínez Medina
  • executive-producer - Federico Hoppe
  • executive-producer - Pablo Prada
  • executive-producer - Guillermo Hoppe