WHO: Am Tropf der Geldgeber streamen
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Dokumentation über die WHO.
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- John Peterson Myers - Self
- Robert Parsons - Self - Journalist
- Wolfgang Wodarg - Self - Former Delegate to the European Council
- Margaret Chan - Self - Director General of W.H.O.
- Thomas Zeltner - Self - WHO Special Envoy
- Douglas Bettcher - Self - W.H.O. Director of Non-communicable diseases Dept.
- Vera da Costa e Silva - Self - Head of W.H.O. Framework Convention of Tobacco Control
- Gregory Hartl - Self
- German Velasquez - Self - Former WHO Director of Public Health Dept.
- Marie-Paule Kieny - Self
- producer - Robert Cibis
- co-producer - Karin C. Berger
- co-producer - Arash T. Riahi
- director - Lilian Franck